Babies don't sleep at night, read this and you'll know why.

May 17, 2023
Many little babies are still very energetic at night. What are some ways to get your baby to sleep peacefully?

1. Babies don't have the concept of day and night
As newborns do not yet have a concept of day and night, babies need to sleep and feed 24 hours a day in order for them to develop and grow properly. In general, a newborn baby will sleep for about 20 hours a day; he will usually sleep for 2 to 4 hours at a stretch and then wake up hungry. At first, he will nurse around the clock, but gradually he will sleep slightly longer at night than during the day.
Advice: let your baby adjust to the daytime phase
It is understandable that newborns experience daytime and nighttime disruptions, as they have been in their mothers' tummies for so long that it takes time for them to adjust to the daytime and nighttime phases after birth.
To get your baby used to the 'daytime phase', try this: put your baby to sleep in the pram during the day and take him out for a walk. If you sleep in the room, there is no need to dim the light or lower the volume. You can also limit your baby's sleeping time during the day to no more than 3 to 4 hours at a time. Don't put your baby to bed after 5 or 6pm. When your baby wakes up after a nap, tease him or her to get him or her excited, and at night, he or she will sleep when he or she is tired.

2. Your baby is hungry
There are actually many reasons why babies cry. Apart from crying when they are sick, babies may also be hungry. Babies sleep because they don't have enough to eat, which is a common reason for babies in their first few months. If you find your baby tossing and turning in bed and appearing to suck all the time, sometimes your baby just needs to suck and sometimes your baby is really hungry and can't sleep. With artificially fed babies, parents can take a pacifier to test if the baby still wants milk and the baby will spit out the pacifier the parent has put in his mouth when he needs a drink. Breastfeeding is more convenient for babies. Mothers can feed their babies directly and they will go to sleep when they are full.
Advice: choose the best time to breastfeed before bedtime
Newly born babies need to be fed every 2 to 3 hours, day and night, without any distinction between breakfast, lunch or regular meals. In the first 3 months, your baby will become progressively more active during the day and sleep longer at night, at which point your baby will have to be divided into day and night. You just have to get to grips with this change and make the feeding intervals shorter and longer.

3. Tummy upsets
If your baby is not fed properly, too much food, food that is too cold, food that is too cold, or food that is not properly configured can cause indigestion and bloating, and your baby may not be able to sleep because of bloating, constipation, or simple colic.
Advice: Addressing your baby's gastrointestinal discomfort
If your baby is suffering from intestinal discomfort and flatulence, your mother can help your baby's digestion by massaging his tummy or taking paediatric antibiotic tablets. For babies with chronic indigestion, it is recommended that mothers use easy-to-digest formula with partially hydrolysed protein and low lactose, so that babies will eat healthier and sleep problems caused by indigestion can be easily solved!

4. Your baby is too hot
Your baby's sleeping environment is too noisy, and he or she may be overdressed or underdressed or covered too thinly or too thickly. The most common reason why babies can't sleep is because the covers are too thick, especially for babies before the age of half, parents are always afraid that their babies will get cold, so they wear more covers, in fact, babies have a fast metabolism and are more afraid of heat than adults, too many clothes and covers will cause babies to be irritable, cry and not sleep.
Advice: create a golden sleeping environment
If the temperature is too high, your baby will seem restless; if the temperature is too low, your baby will wake up freezing. Therefore, it is important that your baby sleeps in an environment that is not too hot or too cold. The best bedroom temperature for your baby to sleep is around 26°C.
If the air is too dry, your baby's nasal passages will dry out and become blocked, but if the air is too humid, your baby will feel sticky and uncomfortable or will sneeze constantly. The humidity level is also a very important aspect. 60%-70% humidity in the baby's sleeping environment is most suitable.
5. Playing too much
This type of baby is characterised by a love of laughing and laughing, playing before bedtime is overly excited, the brain is too active, too energetic, this kind of baby is to keep moving to feel very comfortable, let him stop, do not say nor move, that for him can be too difficult, before bedtime is a good opportunity for him to show his skills. At home, in a relaxed and free environment, with a dear mum and dad, your baby can have a good time.
Advice: don't get your baby too excited before bedtime
If you want your baby to sleep well at night, you have to organise their bedtime activities properly. If your baby is happy and tired from playing during the day, they will naturally sleep well at night. In addition, the baby's nap time should not be too long, generally about two hours is enough; dinner and before bedtime do not let the baby eat too much; after dinner can be appropriate for some relaxing and quiet activities, but do not play too excited. Before going to bed, give your baby a nice warm bath to help him/her sleep.

6. Wanting mummy and daddy to be with them
These babies are very dependent and are too attached to their mum and dad's company. They need their mum and dad's affection and pampering too much to feel safe without them, so they have to express this in a roundabout way when they are 'awake'.
Advice: Soothing massage to sleep
Babies want attention from their parents, so they may want to touch them and use regular, gentle stimulation to lull them to sleep. The most common ways to do this are to pat your baby or to walk him around, but don't rock him too much. You can talk softly to him, stroke his back and give his soles and toes a gentle squeeze, and he will soon settle down and choose to sleep peacefully.

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