Q:1.What payment methods do you support?

A: You can immediately accept purchases via:*Cards (including Mastercard, Visa, American Express, UnionPay,  Bancontact)PayPal, Google Pay , Apple Pay, iDEAL, Shop Pay.Please make sure to fill in the correct details for fast and hassle-free payment processing.

Q:2. How long does the delivery take?

A: All orders are shipped from our warehouse within 3 business days of the order being placed. With standard shipping, shipments will arrive within 10-15 to the US and 7-12 business days to the EU. Should you have any questions on shipping, feel free to chat with us online or send emails to our customer service alan@lilkit.com. We apologize if the shipment requires customs clearance inspection or if there are delays in shipping due to courier services.


Q:3. What is your return and exchange policy?

A: Please see our  return policy page.


Q:4. Do I need to have an account to order products?

A: No, you can also place an order as a guest. However, there are some benefits if you have an account with us.

① Quick checkout process

② Easily view your order status and order history

③ Receive updates on our newly released products and special promotions


Q:5. What if my order is missing or I received the incorrect product?

A: For missing or incorrect products, please contact us at alan@lilkit.com. Please indicate your order number and provide us with proof (image file size should be less than 1MB). We will resend you the correct product, you do not need to send us the original package.


Q:6.To which countries can your goods be shipped?

A: We currently ship within Europe and North America, Asia and the Middle East. To learn more about our list of destinations, please contact us at alan@lilkit.com.


Q:7.What should I do if I find that I have filled in my personal information incorrectly or my order is wrong?

A: Please contact Customer Service in time or contact us at alan@lilkit.com , we will help you change it from the background.


Q:8.Are there any exchange rate issues?

A: All of our transactions are based on U.S. dollars. If your credit card is denominated in another currency, the total amount of your order will be calculated at the daily exchange rate on the day your card issuer processes the transaction. Currently, our store supports a wide range of currencies: US Dollars, British Pounds, Euros, Canadian Dollars, Australian Dollars and Japanese Yen, Indian Rupees, South African Rand, etc. You can choose to switch between them in the upper right corner of the store website. If you need other types of currencies, please contact us at alan@lilkit.com.


Q:9.I’ve forgotten my password - what should I do?

A: On the login page, click the "Forgot Your Password" link and we will send you instructions to reset your password via email.


Q:10.How do I know my order has been successfully submitted?

A: You will receive a confirmation email with the order number and details of your purchase.


Q:11.I've seen a product on TikTok that I want to buy, but I can't find it in the shop?

A: First of all, not all products in the video will be listed in the shop. If you have a product you are interested in, you can send the link of the product video or the screenshot of the product to the Customer Service at alan@lilkit.com, so that the Customer Service can help you find the corresponding product. We will help you solve such problems in time.


Q:12.About the size problem

A: You can first refer to the size chart in the picture of the clothing product. If you are still not sure, please contact Customer Service to tell your baby's age. . Customer Service will recommend suitable size for you according to your size.


Q:13.Do you have any other contact details?

A: If you feel the web page and email information is cumbersome, our Whatsapp number is +8615995027801, you can more conveniently contact us to pay attention to your order.


Q:14.How much is the freight cost?

A: Freight is included in the price of our goods. You don't need to pay extra freight.


Q:15.Is my personal information confidential?

A: Any information you share with us is private and confidential. We will never share or sell your personal information without your consent, unless required by law. Please see our  Privacy Policy page.


Q: 16.Where can I check the logistics information of my products? Why can't I find out my logistics information?

A: Firstly, you need to make sure that you have successfully placed an order. How to judge whether you have successfully placed an order? Please see Article 10. After placing a successful order, you will receive your order number and logistics information can be queried in the tracking number of the store. In general, after placing an order in the short term can not find the logistics situation is normal. Store delivery takes time and you need to wait patiently. If you urgently want to know your logistics information , you can contact Customer Service who will answer for you and help you track your order in real time.