Return Policy

Returns Policy

To successfully return your order, your items must meet the following rules:
Item must be returned within 30 days of purchase
Items must be unused, unworn and in the original packaging.
The return of these items will be at the customer's own expense.
Please note items that have been used, washed or worn or are not in their original packaging may be rejected. If you believe you have a faulty item, please continue with this returns process.

To Return a product

Please head to and click on your account icon on the top right-hand side of the page.
Under your recent orders, click the “Refund request” button.
Select the product(s) you’d like to return and select the reason for your return.
Enter any additional information you might need our team to know.
Hit “Submit Return Request” and our team will review and process your request.

Guest Checkout

If you checked out as a guest, please log a new ticket here and our Customer Care Team will assist you with a manual return request.
ZIGJOY ​reserves the right to assess the condition of the returned goods prior to offering a replacement. A replacement may be refused if the fault is deemed as normal “wear and tear” rather than of a manufacturing origin. If the fault is deemed to be of a manufacturing origin, the product will be replaced and sent to you as soon as possible. Shipping charges associated with the product beings sent back to the purchaser will be covered by ZIGJOY.
If you have any other questions, concerns or feedback, please do log a new ticket to contact us