Baby Sleep (Part 2)

Mar 22, 2023

Solutions to common baby sleep problems

Problem 1: Sleep when held, wake up when put to bed
  Reason: There is a reason why newborns rely on cuddling to sleep. The external world is not like the mother's womb, so it can bring unstable anxiety to the baby.
  From 0 to 3 months of age, sleeping in a cuddle does not create a dependency. There is no need for parents to correct this. It is important to ensure that the baby can get enough sleep.

Solution: Putting bed skills
(1) Find the right time to put the bed. Try to put your baby to bed after he/she has entered deep sleep. (Breathe evenly and calmly, lift the baby's arm and then release it to drop naturally)

(2) put the bed to avoid the obvious vertical drop when put to avoid bending directly down, you can follow the method of drawing Z in the air, a little lower until the "safe landing".

(3) Put the buttocks first and then the head After you put the baby to bed, do not immediately withdraw your hand, one hand still under the baby's body, the other hand to pat the baby. In the process of patting, the other hand is slowly withdrawn. After pulling out, the other hand continues to pat for a while to consolidate the effect. 

Problem 2: Sleeping is not suitable for soothing
This phenomenon is quite common and there are many possible reasons for it, so I will list the four most common cases for explanation:

Situation 1: In a light sleep
  Reason: Infants are more shallow sleepers than adults, and a large percentage of them.
  Performance: This stage of the baby's movement will be a lot, such as will be stirring, rolling eyes, crying, laughing out loud, smacking their lips
  Solution: Parents do not need to intervene too much if the baby is unsteady during light sleep.

Scenario 2: Startle reflex
  Expression: When changing the baby's position or posture, there will be a rapid outward stretching of the hands, and then a recovery of the arms as a hug. The startle reflex disappears at about 4 months of age, but in some cases it persists until 5 months of age.
  Solution: Continuous use of  swaddling   in the newborn stage. Swaddling can help calm your baby and also prevent the feeling of falling.


Situation 3: Colic
  Causes: Colic is not a disease, but is called colic (Colic) by the academic community. The cause of colic is unknown, and it can cause your baby to cry a lot and be difficult to calm down.


Scenario 4: Physiological overflow (spitting up)
  Cause: The baby's intestinal development and esophagus are not yet mature.
  Solution: Try burping after each feeding and help your baby more with passive exhaustion exercises

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