How can I get my baby to nap better?

Jun 5, 2023
Every baby has different sleeping habits, some are easily awake and take several naps throughout the day, while others only take one nap a day. Whichever type your child is, you just need to find out how often he sleeps and help him develop a regular sleep schedule, as well as sleep habits.

A. Length of naps for babies at different stages
1, newborn naps to newborns, each sleep time is about 2 to 4 hours, whether it is day or night. At this stage, you can't expect any nap pattern from him, just let him sleep as much as possible.

2. Six to eight week old babies When your baby is six to eight weeks old, he may start to consolidate his sleep. He will sleep for less time at a time and stay awake longer in bed. He may need 2 to 4 naps a day, or even more.

3, March to April babies around 3 to 4 months old will start to follow a predictable sleep pattern and this is a good time to start developing a regular sleep schedule.

4, Six months babies 6 months old may have 2 to 3 naps a day, one in the morning, one just after noon and one possibly nearer to evening.

4. Nine months and older Most babies aged 9 to 12 months will drop to 2 naps a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Slowly by about 18 months, they will start to give up their morning naps and only have the afternoon until they are 3 to 4 years old.

II. How to assist your baby to nap comfortably

1. A firm and comfortable mattress. You can put your baby on a firm and comfortable mattress and make sure the bed space is free of any toys, blankets and toys that can cause suffocation and other dangerous items.

2. Wear a sleeping bag. Your baby should only wear a comfortable, temperature-appropriate (TOG) sleeping bag that is not too light or too heavy, and pay attention to the temperature of the room so that your baby is not too cold or too hot.

3. Keep quiet before bedtime. Play before your baby's nap should be kept quiet, avoiding excessive noise and stimulating play as this can make it difficult for your baby to settle down and go to sleep. Don't wait until your baby is tired to start your sleep routine, as this will instead make him so nervous that he won't sleep well, or even stay awake.

4. Sleep in the same place. If possible, make your baby's daytime nap and nighttime sleep in the same place, so that he can connect to the fact that he should be going to bed.

5. Carry a little sleepy object. If you already know you'll be out at nap time, make sure you take some books or any other sleep-related items with you to help you maintain your baby's sleep habits, wherever they are.

If your baby doesn't seem to be a very long sleeper, it's okay, as long as he's not too tired and too prone to fussing, it's acceptable.

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