How to dress your baby when spring is here?

Apr 7, 2023

The golden guidelines for baby dressing Many people like to follow their own feelings to determine if their child's clothes are enough, thinking that if their hands feel cool, they will add clothes to their child and end up overdoing it.

My method is:
1. feel your child's collarbone, if it is warm, you are wearing just the right amount of clothes;
2. feel the back, if there is sweat on the back, or even if the clothes are wet, you are wearing too many clothes.

I will explain in more detail in specific cases below:

One more layer than adults At the same temperature, infant clothing is one more layer thicker than what adults find comfortable.

Infants up to 1 year of age:
As long as the back of the neck is warm and the hands and feet are cool, this means that the cover is appropriate. If the hands and feet are very warm, they are overdressed.

Infants 1-3 years:
Children move more than adults and their bodies metabolise faster than adults, so add less clothing than adults, not more. Children who are not walking should also wear less clothing if they are constantly moving.

Over 3 years:
If your child doesn't feel cold, there's no need to wear more. Children over 3 years old can usually express themselves when they are warm or cold. If your child is warm and not sweating, he or she is wearing the right clothes.


1. Add a jacket for your baby when you go outdoors. Although it is already spring, the temperature is not very stable and there is still a big difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures. When taking your baby out with you, remember to bring a jacket and long trousers for your baby so that you can add more clothes at any time.

2.Don't take your baby's coat or hat off immediately after you get home. The weather in spring is often "hot outside and cool inside", so if you take your baby's coat off at once, it is easy for your baby to catch a cold. You should let your baby get used to the indoor temperature a little before taking off your coat or hat. Choose cotton, comfortable and breathable clothing.

3. Whatever the season, choose to wear cotton, silk or linen clothes that absorb sweat without irritating your baby's skin. Clothing that is too tight and too thick will restrict your baby's movement and development, and is not conducive to perspiration and breathability, making it easy to catch a cold when you encounter a cool breeze.

4. children's feet can not be ignored, timely attention to whether sweating in addition to clothing, there is another important point, children's feet are prone to sweating, parents should often pinch the baby's feet, found to be sweaty socks should be replaced in a timely manner, this point many parents often easy to ignore Oh!



To sum up: when dressing your baby in spring, remember to "dress thinly and dress thickly". In indoor, breezy and sunny weather, keep your head cool in order to keep your child refreshed, while your baby's tummy, back and legs and feet should be relatively thick.

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