What is a TOG rating?

Dec 15, 2022

What is a TOG rating?

TOG Rating is a number which tells you how warm a garment will keep your baby.

The higher the number, the warmer your little one will be when wearing the garment. This means higher TOG ratings keep your baby warm during colder winter months, while lower TOG ratings keep your baby cool in the hotter summer season.


To help parents understand which TOG values are right for differing room temperatures, a set of guidelines has been established as per below:

  • 0.2 TOG – ideal for room temperatures between 75°F and 81°F
  • 1.0 TOG – ideal for room temperatures between 68°F to 75°F
  • 2.5 TOG – ideal for room temperatures between 61°F to 68°F
  • 3.5 TOG – ideal for room temperatures below 61°F



Why is a TOG rating important?

By using the TOG rating system, it helps parents to choose the right garment for babies depending on the room temperature to avoid baby overheating. Overheating can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), so it is important to keep babies comfortable and safe.









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